The Detrimental Impact of Discrimination Against Asian American Applicants in Higher Education on America’s Competitive Edge in AI and STEM Fields 高等教育中对亚裔美国申请者的歧视对美国在人工智能和 STEM 领域的竞争优势的不利影响



In the pursuit of excellence and innovation in AI and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, the United States has long prided itself on fostering diversity and meritocracy. However, beneath the surface of this narrative lies a troubling reality: the systemic discrimination against Asian American applicants in higher education. This discrimination not only undermines the principles of fairness and equal opportunity but also poses a significant threat to America’s competitive edge in AI and STEM fields. By examining examples of discriminatory practices and the implications of such biases, it becomes evident that this issue demands urgent attention to ensure a vibrant and inclusive landscape for technological advancement.

Discriminatory Policies and Practices

One glaring example of discrimination against Asian American applicants is the implementation of affirmative action policies in college admissions. While ostensibly designed to promote diversity, these policies often result in the unfair penalization of Asian American applicants solely based on their ethnicity. For instance, Harvard University’s admissions process came under scrutiny for its subjective “personal rating” system, which consistently rated Asian American applicants lower on subjective personality traits compared to their white counterparts, despite similar academic achievements.

Furthermore, public policy decisions such as the repeal of Proposition 209 in California represent a setback for equal opportunity. Proposition 209, which prohibited public institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity in admissions, was repealed in 2020. This reversal opens the door to discriminatory practices that could disproportionately disadvantage Asian American applicants, who have historically faced higher academic standards compared to other racial groups.

Impact on America’s Competitive Edge

The consequences of discrimination against Asian American applicants extend far beyond individual injustices. America’s dominance in AI and STEM fields hinges on its ability to attract and retain top talent from diverse backgrounds. By erecting barriers to entry based on ethnicity, the nation risks losing out on a pool of highly skilled individuals crucial to driving innovation and maintaining its competitive edge.

Asian Americans have long been overrepresented in STEM fields, contributing significantly to advancements in technology, research, and entrepreneurship. However, discriminatory practices in higher education send a chilling message to aspiring Asian American scientists and engineers: no matter how hard you work or how exceptional your achievements, your ethnicity may still count against you. This demoralizing reality could deter talented individuals from pursuing careers in AI and STEM, thereby depriving America of valuable expertise and ingenuity.

Moreover, discrimination against Asian Americans perpetuates a cycle of inequality and exclusion. By marginalizing a group that already faces systemic discrimination in various spheres of society, including employment and representation in leadership positions, the nation not only stifles individual potential but also undermines its democratic ideals of fairness and justice. In an increasingly interconnected world where technological prowess is paramount, such exclusionary practices weaken America’s position on the global stage.

The Intersection of Powerlessness and Discrimination

Asian Americans, despite their significant contributions to society, often find themselves politically marginalized and without adequate representation. This lack of political power makes them easy targets for discrimination, as evidenced by the perpetuation of stereotypes and the perpetuation of the model minority myth. As a result, Asian Americans face unique challenges in advocating for their rights and challenging discriminatory policies that undermine their opportunities for success.


Discrimination against Asian American applicants in higher education not only violates the principles of fairness and equal opportunity but also jeopardizes America’s competitive edge in AI and STEM fields. By erecting barriers to entry based on ethnicity, the nation risks losing out on a diverse pool of talent crucial to driving innovation and technological advancement. To safeguard America’s leadership in these critical fields, policymakers must address systemic biases and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background, have equal access to educational and professional opportunities. Only by embracing diversity and inclusion can America truly unleash its full potential for innovation and excellence in the 21st century.


为了在人工智能和 STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域追求卓越和创新,美国长期以来一直以促进多样性和精英管理而自豪。 然而,在这种叙述的表面之下却隐藏着一个令人不安的现实:高等教育中对亚裔美国申请者的系统性歧视。 这种歧视不仅破坏了公平和机会均等的原则,而且对美国在人工智能和STEM领域的竞争优势构成重大威胁。 通过研究歧视性做法的例子以及此类偏见的影响,很明显,这个问题需要紧急关注,以确保为技术进步创造一个充满活力和包容性的环境。


对亚裔美国申请者歧视的一个明显例子是在大学招生中实施平权行动政策。 虽然表面上是为了促进多样性,但这些政策往往会导致亚裔美国申请人仅仅因为种族而受到不公平的惩罚。 例如,哈佛大学的招生过程因其主观“个人评分”系统而受到严格审查,尽管亚裔美国申请者的学术成就相似,但与白人申请者相比,该系统始终对亚裔美国申请者的主观人格特征评分较低。

此外,加州废除 209 号提案等公共政策决定代表了机会均等的挫折。 209 号提案禁止公共机构在招生时考虑种族、性别或族裔,该提案于 2020 年被废除。这一逆转为歧视性做法打开了大门,可能使亚裔美国申请者处于不成比例的不利地位,与其他种族相比,亚裔美国申请者历来面临着更高的学术标准 组。


对亚裔美国申请人的歧视的后果远远超出了个人的不公正。 美国在人工智能和STEM领域的主导地位取决于其吸引和留住来自不同背景的顶尖人才的能力。 通过根据种族设立准入壁垒,国家可能会失去一批对推动创新和保持竞争优势至关重要的高技能人才。

长期以来,亚裔美国人在 STEM 领域的比例一直很高,为技术、研究和创业的进步做出了巨大贡献。 然而,高等教育中的歧视性做法向有抱负的亚裔美国科学家和工程师发出了令人心寒的信息:无论你多么努力工作或取得多么杰出的成就,你的种族可能仍然对你不利。 这种令人沮丧的现实可能会阻止有才华的人从事人工智能和科学、技术、工程和数学 (STEM) 领域的职业,从而剥夺美国宝贵的专业知识和创造力。

此外,对亚裔美国人的歧视使不平等和排斥的循环永久化。 通过边缘化一个在社会各个领域(包括就业和领导职位代表性)已经面临系统性歧视的群体,国家不仅扼杀了个人潜力,而且破坏了其公平和正义的民主理想。 在一个日益互联的世界中,技术实力至关重要,这种排他性做法削弱了美国在全球舞台上的地位。


尽管亚裔美国人对社会做出了重大贡献,但他们经常发现自己在政治上被边缘化,并且没有足够的代表权。 缺乏政治权力使他们很容易成为歧视的目标,陈规定型观念的延续和模范少数族裔神话的延续就证明了这一点。 因此,亚裔美国人在倡导自己的权利和挑战破坏其成功机会的歧视性政策方面面临着独特的挑战。


高等教育中对亚裔申请人的歧视不仅违反了公平和机会均等的原则,也损害了美国在人工智能和STEM领域的竞争优势。 通过设置基于种族的准入壁垒,国家可能会失去对推动创新和技术进步至关重要的多元化人才库。 为了维护美国在这些关键领域的领导地位,政策制定者必须解决系统性偏见,并确保所有个人,无论其背景如何,都有平等的机会获得教育和职业机会。 只有拥抱多样性和包容性,美国才能在 21 世纪真正释放其创新和卓越的全部潜力。

Oudam Em

Writer, artist, lifelong learner. Passionate about artificial intelligence, robotics, and the intersection between technology and human values, ethics and spirituality. 作家、艺术家、终身学习者。 热衷于人工智能、机器人技术以及技术与人类价值观、道德和灵性之间的交叉。

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