No Copyright Protection for AI-Generated Images, Says The US Copyright Office

As technology continues to evolve, the line between what is created by humans and what is created by machines is becoming increasingly blurred.

This is particularly true in the realm of visual content, where AI-powered software such as Midjourney is now capable of generating incredibly realistic and detailed images.

However, despite their impressive capabilities, these images do not meet the legal requirements for copyright protection in the United States.

The US Copyright Office has ruled that Midjourney images cannot be copyrighted, as they do not meet the legal requirements for copyright protection.

The Office has canceled copyright protection previously granted to Kristina Kashtanova’s comic book “Zarya of the Dawn”, stating that the AI-generated images produced by Midjourney cannot be copyrighted.

While Kashtanova is recognized as the author of the text and the arrangement of the book’s elements, the images themselves are not considered the product of human authorship.

Kashtanova’s lawyer disagrees with the decision and is considering legal options to further explain the direct expression of her creativity in the individual images produced by Midjourney.

Under US copyright law, copyright protection is only granted to original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression, and created by a human author.

While this ruling may seem like a setback for creators of AI-generated content, it also has important implications for consumers. Namely, it means that these images are not subject to copyright law, and can be freely used and shared without permission from the creator.

Of course, this also raises concerns about the exploitation of AI-generated content. Without clear guidelines and regulations governing its use and ownership, creators may find themselves vulnerable to infringement and misuse.

Ultimately, the ruling highlights the need for ongoing discussion and debate around the legal and ethical implications of AI-generated content.

As technology continues to advance, it is important that we take a thoughtful and proactive approach to these emerging technologies, and work to create a framework that balances the interests of both creators and consumers.

Oudam Em

Writer, artist, lifelong learner. Passionate about artificial intelligence, robotics, and the intersection between technology and human values, ethics and spirituality. 作家、艺术家、终身学习者。 热衷于人工智能、机器人技术以及技术与人类价值观、道德和灵性之间的交叉。

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